Our Fantastic Sponsors

We are so passionate about our sports that large companies want to connect with us through our love of our major teams (e.g. All Blacks) in any way possible, as a pure marketing decision.  On the other hand, local sports clubs get most of its sponsorships from businesses that think of it as a donation.  Here are 5 reasons why businesses should sponsor a local sports club as a mutually beneficial partnership beyond a “donation”:

  1. Increase awareness of your company. Your brand will be in front of parents, coaches, organisers, players and supporters. This is a positive way to engage your target market – everyone involved with a club likes to support sponsors.
  2. Makes sport affordable for families. Sponsors help keep fees low so more families are able to afford to join and that means more children being able to receive the undoubted benefits of sports.
  3. Outstanding value. Sponsorship at Harbour Cricket Association starts at only $500 to be a team sponsor. This is a level that any small business can afford, and is more effective compared with many other forms of marketing.
  4. Builds goodwill. Companies that sponsor clubs make a positive contribution to the local community. The community engages and starts to understand your company’s values.
  5. Possible tax incentive. As an added bonus, your business should be able to claim your sponsorship.