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Winter Academy - 2018
Welcome to the Winter Training Programme. Please read ALL of the notes on this page as they are essential to ensure the system works smoothly.
Registrations are not open yet; players should expect an email invitation to their specific sessions.
Please note that the coaches may use video equipment to show players what they are doing correctly and where adjustments are
ACA Tournament Formats and Dates - 2018/2019
There have been significant changes in the Auckland District Tournaments.
The biggest change will be to move away from year-group teams, to age-group teams. What does this mean? New teams will be formed for under-14, 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19 age groups. There are still tournaments for Year 7 and Year 8, but for all other year groups, the formats have changed t
Harbour Cricket Association Incorporated
Today Harbour Cricket Association has become an Incorporated Society. This has come after many months of hard work from all five member clubs to create this new entity which will help develop junior cricket in our region for many years to come.